
How To Change Fuel Water Separator Filter

The goal of today's guide is to teach yous how to change fuel water separator filter on your boat. We wouldn't say that installing a fuel water separator is that challenging, but information technology may throw off a lot of boaters, especially those who are dealing with separators for the first time.

Beneath, we'll have a look at what fuel water separators are, talk about their importance, and then provide yous with a stride-past-footstep guide for fuel water separator outboard installation.

  • What is a Fuel Water Separator?
  • Do I Need a Fuel H2o Separator on My Boat?
  • How to Install a Fuel Water Separator on an Outboard
    • Necessary Tools and Supplies
    • Step i. Cut Off Electricity and Fuel Lines on Your Boat
    • Step two. Set the Fuel Water Separator for Installation
    • Step three. Locate a Suitable Spot for the Separator
    • Step four. Marking Installation Points and Drill Mounting Holes
    • Step 5. Install the Separator Along with Valves and Hoses
    • Step six. Bleed the Fuel Water Separator
    • Step 7. Perform Terminal Checks and First the Engine
  • Choosing the Correct Fuel Water Separator for Your Outboard
    • Filters
    • Fuel Water Separator Form-Factors
    • Unmarried and Dual Marine Fuel Water Separators
    • Bowl Material
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Where to Install Fuel Filter on Outboard Motor?
    • How Ofttimes Should You lot Change a Fuel Water Separator?
    • Exercise You Have to Fill the Water Separator with Fuel Prior to Installation?
  • How to Modify Fuel Water Separator Filter – Conclusions

What is a Fuel Water Separator?

A fuel water separator is a piece of tech intended to filter out water from fuel earlier it reaches the engine.

boat filter
Gunkhole filter

Conventional fuel filters are not designed to trap much h2o – this task is performed by fuel water separators instead.

How do fuel water separators work? Well, at the very nuts, the process is as follows:

  1. A pleated paper element separates water into big aerosol.
  2. The aerosol fall onto a water bowl at the bottom of the device.
  3. Small water particles that did make it through the newspaper element get trapped by a layer of silicone-treated nylon and again fall onto the water bowl.
  4. The trapped h2o is so discharged either manually or automatically, depending on the separator pattern.

This is how by and large fuel water separators work – the exact water filtering process may vary from separator to separator.

Do I Need a Fuel Water Separator on My Boat?

The next question is as follows – exercise you need a water fuel separator filter in your boat? And if you do, why?

Well, water affects your boat engine in a agglomeration of negative means:

  • Rust. Atomic number 26 or steel surfaces that come up into contact with water are likely to rust. Aside from structurally damaging your motor, rust particles may also go into your fuel. Equally rust-filled fuel goes through the motor, the chafe of rust particles may severely damage its components.
  • Chafe. H2o has a lower viscosity than gasoline and does not lubricate engine parts likewise. In fact, h2o is a terrible lubricant. With that, increased water content in your fuel is going to increment wear inside the motor.
  • Bacterial growth. Water may foster bacterial growth and mold in your fuel system. If you lot let these to build up, then y'all volition not have a fun fourth dimension cleaning your fuel tank, hoses, and engine.
  • Low gunkhole functioning. Every bit a consequence of all the negative effects of water, your boat may kickoff performing desperately. Among the possible effects are low RPMs, slow acceleration, and not but.

Now, one thing that you may be wondering almost is how water tin can become inside the fuel.

In the United states of america, gasoline contains about 10% ethanol. The purpose of the added ethanol is to oxygenate the gasoline for more than efficient burning. This lowers emissions and also mayhap makes your boat more than fuel-efficient.

The problem with ethanol is that information technology attracts wet from the surrounding air. This is specially exacerbated when your fuel tank is not full and has a lot of air inside.

Aside from this, water may go inside your fuel in a agglomeration of dissimilar ways:

  • Wet may soak into gasoline if it's improperly stored.
  • If your motor components aren't properly sealed, and so water may get inside every bit well.

With this in mind, a fuel h2o separator is a preventative measure out that allows you to go on your fuel arrangement intact and your engine performing to its potential.

Installing Fuel/Water Separation Filter

How to Install a Fuel H2o Separator on an Outboard

At present, allow's cover fuel water separator outboard installation.

Necessary Tools and Supplies

To install a fuel h2o separator on an outboard, you will need the following tools:

boat tools use to install fuel water separator
  • Drill with drill $.25 that are sized right for the mounting holes.
  • Spanner (to install hose connectors and blanks).
  • Screwdriver.
  • Boat burn extinguisher for safety.
  • A container to catch fuel.
  • Rags for post-installation cleanup.

Additionally, yous may need:

  • Ball valve or blanking plugs to isolate the separator.
  • Fuel hoses for either end of the fuel h2o separator.
  • Jubilee clips/clamps for the fuel hoses.

Step ane. Cut Off Electricity and Fuel Lines on Your Gunkhole

Before starting whatever installation, you should cut off electricity and fuel lines on your boat. This is to avoid electrocution and leakage of fuel as you disconnect your fuel lines to install the separator.

At this phase, you should too identify which fuel hoses volition need blanking.

Annotation: If you are installing the separator indoors, then you should likewise open all hatches to ensure skilful ventilation.

Step 2. Set the Fuel Water Separator for Installation

Adjacent, unpack your separator and brand sure that yous have all the necessary fittings. Once you make certain that everything is there, you lot should get together your fuel water separator.

The associates procedure differs from separator to separator, so you should check out your unit's instructions for more specific guidance.

You may besides desire to pre-fill your separator with fuel, though this is not necessary. Pre-filling allows you to displace the air inside and foreclose big amounts of air from getting into your fuel system.

Step 3. Locate a Suitable Spot for the Separator

Your fuel h2o separator should exist placed in a visible and accessible location. This is so that yous can easily cheque the separator for water, bleed it, or supercede the filter when necessary.

Your primer bulb should be easily accessible also.

Additionally, the location of the separator should be clear of any moving hoses or cables that may rub against the separator.

Footstep 4. Marking Installation Points and Drill Mounting Holes

Mark the installation points for the separator. Place the separator confronting the location and marking the mounting holes with a pencil.

At this stage, you should also confirm that you accept called a proper identify for your fuel water separator.

The separator should be oriented vertically, and its inlet and outlet fuel lines should be positioned conveniently for you without whatsoever kinking. Aside from that, it should exist placed in the fuel line that goes to the engine, simply before any filters, primers, fuel pumps, or regulators.

Once you've marked the installation points, drill suitable holes for the fasteners you've called.

Motor boat engine
Motor Boat Engine

Stride 5. Install the Separator Along with Valves and Hoses

Side by side, mount the fuel water separator.

  1. If you lot will be using a ball valve for safety, then install information technology on the inlet side. This will allow you to easily block the menstruum of fuel when you need to replace the filter.
  2. Yous should smear a fuel sealant to the threaded department of the ball valve. And then, mount the ball valve to the separator using a spanner.
  3. Side by side, mount hose connectors to the separator, again using a fuel sealant at the threads and a spanner to tighten the connectors.
  4. If in that location are any ports that need blanking, and then either use blanking plugs or additional ball valves.
  5. Identify two clamps on each of your hoses using jubilee clamps/clips.
  6. Make sure that your hose configuration follows the separator's pointer direction.
  7. Connect your hoses to the hose connectors you installed in footstep 3.
  8. Tighten all the jubilee clamps/clips.

Step 6. Bleed the Fuel Water Separator

Bleed your fuel system up to the engine. Then, attach the fuel hose to the engine. On an outboard, squeeze the primer bulb until it'southward firm.

Step seven. Perform Last Checks and Outset the Engine

Earlier starting upwards your gunkhole engine, make sure that there are no visual leaks or fuel residue anywhere. Cheque the configuration last time to ensure that everything'south fine.

Finally, ready your h2o cooling system and power the engine on.

Cheque for leaks in your fuel water separator configuration. If everything is fine, then you lot should next take your boat for a ride. Accelerate upward to wide-open throttle and make sure that you are getting sufficient fuel to the engine and that at that place are no leaks anywhere.

Choosing the Right Fuel H2o Separator for Your Outboard

We suggest that y'all research fuel water separators a bit more yourself to make the correct option. Nosotros'll yet cover some basics beneath.

You lot should be able to notice a fuel water separator at local marine stores or online retailers. A few online places to buy from are:

  • Marine Products S tore
    Marine Products sells a somewhat limited assortment of fuel water separators, but y'all should still cheque them out.
  • Wholesale Marine Store
    Wholesale Marine offers a much more than diverse range of fuel water separators, including standalone separators and kit separators.
  • Amazon
    If the previous two stores didn't have anything suitable for your needs, then accept a look at Amazon. Amazon offers free shipping for many of its products, easy returns, plenty of buyer reviews to read, and a few nice benefits for Prime subscribers.


To effectively filter out h2o, your fuel h2o separator'south filtration organization should be capable of trapping 10-micron particles.

Fuel Water Separator Form-Factors

Marine fuel water separators are available in two course-factors – standalone separators and kits. Kits include the separator plus mounting hardware. Unless yous are sure that you lot accept all the necessary hardware, go for a fuel water separator kit.

Single and Dual Marine Fuel Water Separators

Keep in mind that some fuel water separators are intended for 2-tank or two-engine systems. You may use such separators on single-tank/engine boats besides, merely yous volition accept to cake off one of the separator's sections.

Typically, fuel water separator kits include fittings and blanking plugs to allow for single-tank/engine installation, but you should always make sure before buying anything.

Bowl Material

Fuel water separators intended for outboards typically have plastic bowls. If you are looking for an inboard fuel water separator, then make sure that you get one with a glass bowl. Glass bowls will non melt in the consequence of a fire.

Yous may become for a metal basin too, but these aren't transparent and thus don't let you to visually audit the basin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where to Install Fuel Filter on Outboard Motor?

On an outboard, y'all should install the fuel water separator in the outlet line that delivers fuel to the engine but before any primer bulbs, other filters, regulators, or fuel pumps.

How Often Should Yous Change a Fuel H2o Separator?

Yous don't need to supervene upon the entire fuel water separator, simply the filters should be replaced occasionally. 1-two times per yr should exist sufficient to ensure proper engine functioning.

Do You lot Have to Make full the Water Separator with Fuel Prior to Installation?

Pre-filling fuel h2o separators with fuel is a good practice since information technology allows you lot to avoid large amounts of air getting into your fuel system. By filling your separator with fuel prior to installation, you are displacing the air inside with fuel.

How to Change Fuel H2o Separator Filter – Conclusions

Now, you know how to change fuel water separator filters on a boat! Not only that, just you lot should besides know how to cull a fuel water separator for boats correctly!

Now, in one case y'all've reached the terminate of this post, how well-nigh checking some others on our canoeing weblog?

How To Change Fuel Water Separator Filter,


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